Discover what really motivates you: Part 3

The path of least resistance to career and small business peak performance and profits really is an ‘inside out’ path.
What’s already inside of you, usually lurking just below your conscious awareness, that can be leveraged to boost your productivity and profits?
Your key natural talents and your core values. In other words, what you’re good at and what’s important to you!
My previous post examined various ways to leverage your Talent Code™ and as promised in this post I am about to reveal what 10 out of 10 successful people know and do that other people do not know and do … the difference that makes the difference.
Ten out of ten successful people know what their values are and have the skills to live them!
- Your values are your lifestyle priorities and preferences. You want more of what you value, of what’s important to you. You are intrinsically motivated (motivated from the inside-out) to keep on working towards goals that are in alignment with your values. Values alignment generates motivation and commitment. Of course you need to know what your values are in order to live them. My clients use My Motivation Code™, a values profiler which identifies and prioritizes up to 128 of your values.
- Your values are the bridge between your inner desires and your outer reality. To turn what you desire (your vision or your set of goals) into reality, you must have skills that will help you get the goals you set. When you work in the area of your key natural talents, continually transforming your knowledge, skills, attitudes and business systems into strengths, you will be more fully engaged in your work, increasing further your motivation and commitment.
Summary: Mobilizing your talents plus your values in the direction of your vision is what REALLY Motivates you!
Contact our office to discover how you can step onto your unique ‘Inside Out” Path To Peak Performance & Profits