Three Deadly Sins of Omission: Part 2

Small Business Training and Development Deadly Sin of Omission #2 – Not Identifying The REAL Source Of Employee Commitment.
Employee commitment is another buzzword that is tossed around frequently and carelessly in small business training and development and corporate learning and development circles.
Attempts at defining employee commitment have also been made by some training and development providers, often involving very complex explanations. But that the fact is, that like employee engagement, employee commitment is a simple concept.
Check out this short small business training and development video to see for yourself what I mean …
Employee commitment happens when a worker is engaging his core values (his internal motivators) in connection with his key natural talents in the process of his or her work role.
Employee commitment is strengthened further by the individual worker’s Commitment Nexus™, which is the meeting point between the values of the individual worker and values of his employer.
Is you are considering investing in small business training and development for yourself and your employees you want to make sure that you choose a training and development provider who will show you the exact steps you need to take to identify and activate your unique Motivation Code™ and your Commitment Nexus™, to maximize employee engagement for greatest possible impact on your business results.
Look out for my next post and video when I reveal Small Business Training and Development Deadly Sin of Omission #3.