Three Deadly Sins of Omission: Part 3

Small Business Training and Development Deadly Sin of Omission #3 – Failing To Develop A Customer Service Focus
A strange myth about customer service persists in some organisations … that employees who do not directly serve external customers are not in need of customer service training and development.
The fact is that every manager, every employee, every small business owner serves customers – either external customers or internal customers.
And the evidence is clear that of a dozen or so commonly used Quality Management practices, only three have been shown to consistently impact business results:
- Employee engagement
- Employee commitment
- Customer service focus
Customer service focus can be both trained and developed by expanding knowledge, capitalizing on and developing attitudes and values, extending skill sets, and establishing appropriate, context specific systems and practices.
So, you need to seek and find a small business training and development provider who can show you exactly how to connect your business results to your customer service focus by implementing a system like the K.A.S.S.™ system employed exclusively by LeaderCoach clients.
How to overcome the three deadly sins of omission in training and professional development
What you require is a training and development provider who can teach you how to break the cycle of the sins of omission by engaging and applying The Holy Trinity of Employee Contribution to Business Results:
- Engagement
- Commitment (which arises from values alignment)
- Customer Service Focus